
For Challenging People & Circumstances

Loving Kindness (Metta) Meditation practice. The words are: May I be filled with loving kindness May I be well May I be peaceful and at ease And may I be happy. Repeat this phrase, speaking or chanting, a few times through. Then extend the practice to your loved ones: May you be filled with loving kindness May you be well May you be peaceful and at ease And may you be happy. Bringing to mind your family and friends, as you speak or chant the Metta phrases – wishing them well and happy. Here Comes The Challenging Part An additional, and more challenging, way to practice, is to offer well-wishing to a person or a circumstance that is challenging for you. Bring to mind a … continue reading

Accessing & Trusting Your Body Wisdom

One way to find relief that helps us move beyond taking a pill or searching the internet, is to get in touch with our Body Wisdom. You may call this intuition, guidance, knowing or even magic. I have found that when I have a question about what is happening in my body – my head wants to figure out a solution and Do something. When I take the time to slow down, get quiet and ask my body for information, I usually get a different answer and somehow wiser information. I might ask “What is it I need to know or understand?” Then I listen with my heart for the answer. This may take some time and patience. I feel that I am tuning in … continue reading

Total Lunar Eclipse on Friday – Transformation or Chaos?

“The full moon on the night of July 27, 2018, presents the longest  total lunar eclipse of the 21st century. The total phase of the eclipse –  called the totality – spans 1 hour 42 minutes and 57 seconds.” That’s exciting news!  And, unfortunately, we won’t be able to see the eclipse from north America this time.  I did find a place in Israel that will be live casting at, if you would like to follow the event. If you are in Asia or Africa – enjoy! I’ve also been hearing a lot of conversation about the astrological and emotional implications of this full moon and the eclipse.  So I got curious to see what I could learn. 1.  Be aware that we will feel the emotional … continue reading

Stirring Up Dust & Stirring Up Memories

As I continue to clean out my garage I’ve been stirring up plenty of dust and experiencing stirred up memories as well.  Ahhhh… No wonder we procrastinate about clearing clutter… Tapping To Acknowledge & Release Stirred Up Memories Set Up Statement:  “Even though I’m feeling so many stirred up memories and part of me is holding on, for whatever reason, I choose to acknowledge and release the past with love and acceptance.” Reminder Statements: (while tapping around on the body points) “All these memories *** some of them good *** and some of them not so good *** all of these memories *** feeling sad *** so uncomfortable *** all these memories *** moving through my body *** I’d really like to let this go *** feeling … continue reading

Questions To Unwind Anxiety & Fear When Tapping

A powerful enhancement to our EFT healing practice is asking questions to unwind the symptoms of our anxiety and fear.  Remember that emotional issues are not just in our heads, they are held in our tissues.  When we are able to release emotional issues by tapping, our bodies are able to shift and change as well. Many of our physical conditions have their roots in past trauma.  Our childhood experiences have been found to correlate to persistent adult health conditions. When you are tapping to bring forth greater ease and calm, you might try asking yourself questions such as these: 1.  When did these emotions first begin? 2.  What was going on in your life at that time?  What relieves it?  What makes it worse? … continue reading

Healing & Releasing the Past

When I was in the third grade in Santa Ana, California, I was tested and my school decided I would skip the fourth grade and go right into fifth grade.  I was delighted at the time because no one liked the fourth grade teacher.  Ahhhh… I remember loving the fifth grade teacher and what I was learning.  I went on from there – all the way through high school – never realizing that I was just as smart and quite a bit younger than everyone else in school. This caused me a great deal of confusion and I always felt left out and not included in social activities.  My parents where so involved in their own dramas that I didn’t realize until much later in … continue reading

What is Visioning Guided Meditation?

The purpose of Visioning guided meditation is to open a place in our consciousness for fresh ideas to be revealed.  We center ourselves in the silence, establishing awareness of the Divine within us and opening to our inner wisdom, intuition and guidance. Visions may appear in the form of images, colors, sounds or feelings.  At times nothing may be revealed.  We accept whatever comes or doesn’t come without judgment, knowing that more will be revealed. The questions:   1.  What is the HIGHEST VISION for my life/health/career? 2.  What must I RELEASE to fulfill this vision – what am I releasing or transforming that no longer serves me? NOTE:  This is the perfect time to utilize your EFT tapping practice to release whatever wants to be released or forgiven so … continue reading

Honoring the life of Louise L. Hay

“The very person you find it hardest to forgive is the one you need to let go of the most. Forgiveness means giving up, letting go. It has nothing to do with condoning behavior. It’s just letting the whole thing go. We do not have to know How to forgive. All we need to do is to be Willing to forgive. The Universe will take care of the hows.” You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay Louise L. Hay, who just passed away on August 30th at the age of 91, was one of the most influential teachers in my life. I am deeply grateful for her wisdom, compassion, humor and guidance. In 1985 when my mother passed away and I was falling apart … continue reading

Tapping To Release & Heal Emotional Pain

One of the very best ways to utilize EFT tapping for healing emotional pain is to focus on the physical sensations in your body. For example:  When you are feeling sadness, ask yourself – where am I holding the sadness in my body? Then create your Set Up Statement with that information: “Even though I can feel this sadness in my heart/chest, I deeply and completely love and accept myself and all my feelings.” Then simply repeat – “This tightness in my chest” as you tap around on the 10 body points. When you pause to check in – notice your thoughts, emotions and any changes in sensations. Then continue tapping – “this tightness in my chest – this tightness in my chest”. Continue tapping until you feel relief of the sensations … continue reading

Physical & Emotional Impact of Pain

“Tapping is so effective at relieving chronic pain because it helps release unresolved emotions keeping the body in a stressed-out state.  By tapping to remove the negative emotional charge from specific events and other past and current issues, the brain gets the message that it is safe to relax tense muscles and lessens nerve sensitivity.  That’s when the body can heal itself – of chronic pain and other symptoms as well.” Eric Robins, M.D. Expert in treating chronic pain This quote from the introduction to our friend, Nick Ortner’s, book The Tapping Solution For Pain Relief inspires us to try this crazy tapping thing on everything, including chronic or even long standing pain. Let’s face it, pain causes stress, stress causes tension, fatigue and plenty of emotional … continue reading