Welcome! Your Journey Begins Here

Hello! I am Becca Pronchick, Certified Professional Co-Active Coach. I support and encourage individuals, couples and groups to make healthy choices and take better care of themselves before stress and burn-out cause illness and disability.

Permission to Relax is an inclusive community where we create safe and sacred space for relaxation, healing, creativity and enjoyment.

I am also a Certified Ananda Yoga & Meditation teacher and an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Master Practitioner/Trainer. I combine the practices of Guided Visioning Meditation and EFT tapping for playful encouragement and effective results.

Nothing else has made such a big difference in my own health and well-being and in creating amazing results for my clients and students. And it’s lots of fun too!

Wellness isn’t just about healthy eating and exercise. It also has a lot to do with cultivating a mindset that sets the stage for joy, abundance and success in our lives.

Whether you wish to improve your health, daily self-care or reduce anxiety and stress, your journey begins here – and I am your guide.

Join our safe, welcoming, and enlightening community and receive the following benefits:


  • Weekly Meditation/EFT lessons in your in-box
  • Weekly Guided Meditation/EFT practice group on Zoom
  • Invitations to upcoming retreats in person and virtual

Always FREE

Sacred Circle Membership

Sacred Circle is a safe and inclusive practice group facilitated by Becca Pronchick and Rev. Rachel Hollander. We meet weekly on Zoom for Guided Meditation/Tapping practice including music, affirmative prayer, sharing, support and so much more!

  • Weekly Guided Meditation/Tapping practice group on Zoom
  • Recordings of practice group sessions (in your inbox weekly)
  • Monthly Sacred Circle gathering on Zoom to deepen our practice
  • Digital downloads of Becca books
  • A print copy of Rachel’s book
  • A complimentary consultation with Becca for Private Wellness Coaching
  • A complimentary consultation with Rev. Rachel for Spiritual Counseling
  • Discounts/priority access to future events, classes and retreats

$97/year, or

(Cancel at Anytime)

Already a Member? Login Here

A percentage of my proceeds are donated to the Oregon Food Bank at www.oregonfoodbank.org and the Kaleidoscope Child Foundation at www.kaleidoscopechildfoundation.org. These two causes are close to my heart locally and globally.