Do You Have One Foot on the Gas and One Foot On the Brake?

There is a very important reason for the words we include in our EFT Tapping Set Up Statements. Acknowledge the Feelings – while tapping on the side of both hands We say, “Even though I have this fear…” This is an important aspect of the practice, to acknowledge what we are truly feeling and not try to push it away or deny our feelings. There is great benefit in allowing ourselves to feel the fear, or other strong emotions, and allow the energy to move. Speaking to the Part of Us That Resists Change Then we say, “Whatever part of me is holding on…”This is where we get to the “one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake” feeling. We may want very much to release … continue reading

Self-Care For Challenging Times

How are you faring through these extraordinary times? As you know I’m all about healthy Visioning practice and I suggest that we practice focusing on and give thanks for our healthy bodies every day, rather than all of the negative news and virus cell images. I thought I’d share some of the things that are sustaining me these days as we continue our protecting and adapting measures to contain the epidemic. Take what you like and leave the rest (or share with family and friends that are struggling with the sustained circumstances): * Daily spiritual practice – (whatever that is for you…) – Meditation, Chanting, Yoga, Qi Gong, Journaling, Pilates, Dance, Art, Crafts, Knitting. Always helpful to practice at the same time every day, to solidify healthy … continue reading

The Simplest Relaxation Practice

I believe this is a good time for all of us to return to our basic self-care routine – or to establish one that feels good: Get up and go to bed near the same time every day. Drink plenty of room temperature water all day long. Prepare and eat nourishing real food every day. Minimize alcohol, sugar, packaged food and the news. Stay as active as possible with walking outside when possible, yoga and pilates inside. Stay in touch with loved ones and friends by phone or internet. Practice relaxation techniques, meditation, prayer or mindfulness daily to help keep your nervous system calm. When you feel anxious or fearful, ask yourself what would feel good and do that – a bath, movement, drink water, … continue reading

Tapping to Relieve Cravings

Do you crave sugar, cookies, chocolate, chips or other foods that may not be the most nutritious or wise choices?   Me too!  I’m in the early stages of getting off sugar.  Ahhhh…   You may have noticed that it’s in everything!   I feel so much better when I don’t consume sugar.  Less joint pain, more energy, better digestion and improved sleep.   So here is a Tapping Practice to help us all relieve the cravings.   Settle yourself down.  Take a few deep cleansing breaths.  Close your eyes and check in with your body and your emotions.   What are you feeling when you crave these foods?   You may choose to tap on the cravings (symptoms), on the emotions (feelings) or even … continue reading