The Simplest Relaxation Practice

I believe this is a good time for all of us to return to our basic self-care routine – or to establish one that feels good:

  1. Get up and go to bed near the same time every day.
  2. Drink plenty of room temperature water all day long.
  3. Prepare and eat nourishing real food every day.
  4. Minimize alcohol, sugar, packaged food and the news.
  5. Stay as active as possible with walking outside when possible, yoga and pilates inside.
  6. Stay in touch with loved ones and friends by phone or internet.
  7. Practice relaxation techniques, meditation, prayer or mindfulness daily to help keep your nervous system calm.
  8. When you feel anxious or fearful, ask yourself what would feel good and do that – a bath, movement, drink water, a nap, call a friend, journal and write down how you are feeling.

When all else fails – make art, make music, clean out closets, watch movies, organize your files, join an on-line support group, such as Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA).
Give thanks for all of the drivers, health care workers, chefs and cooks, teachers, lab technicians, first responders and anyone else who are on the front lines keeping us nourished and safe.
And, of course, wash your hands often, clean surfaces – especially eye glasses, cell phones, door handles, counters and light switches. We will get through this together!