When You Don’t Know What To Say When Tapping…

Are You New To Tapping? I know it seems crazy, however this simple, effective acupressure self-healing technique will help you with you in so many ways – physically, emotionally and spiritually. Begin with the Basic Recipe to acknowledge and release whatever is bothering you right now – physical pain, stress, anxiety or worry. Gently tapping on the side of both hands:  “Even though I have this pain (be specific), I love and accept myself, just as I am.” “Even though I have this persistent pain in my back, and part of me is holding on, for whatever reason, conscious or unconscious, I choose to relax and open to the healing, with love and acceptance.” While tapping around on the 10 body points:  “This pain *** … continue reading

Tapping To Relieve Cravings

Do you crave sugar, cookies, chocolate, chips or other foods that may not be the most nutritious or wise choices? Me too!  I’m in the early stages of getting off sugar.  Ahhhh… You may have noticed that it’s in everything! I feel so much better when I don’t consume sugar.  Less joint pain, more energy, better digestion and improved sleep. So here is a Tapping Practice to help us all relieve the cravings. Settle yourself down.  Take a few deep cleansing breaths.  Close your eyes and check in with your body and your emotions. What are you feeling when you crave these foods? You may choose to tap on the cravings (symptoms), on the emotions (feelings) or even on the physical sensations.  Here’s an example: … continue reading

For Pain Relief – You Might Ask Yourself- What Am I Avoiding?

If you, like me, live with chronic pain, you might want to ask yourself – what am I avoiding? Is there someone you are avoiding seeing or speaking to? Are you putting off an important health care appointment? Where in your life are you procrastinating? Are you pushing yourself and avoiding rest? What is the last thing you are willing to pay attention to? OK, confession time.  As I sit here at my desk, gazing out at the humming birds zipping in and out of my garden this morning, I am looking at the piles all around me on my desk and, once again, putting off (procrastinating!) doing my filing and organizing. Ahhhhh… I know that the stuff is taking up space in my consciousness. … continue reading

Feeling Angst?

  “In this video, I’m going to show you how to use Tapping to  access the deepest parts of your brain  that have been limiting and sabotaging your success. I’ll also show you how you can access your brain  in ways you’ve never been able to before, finding more creativity, more energy, more productivity,  more of the REAL you in every way! All those things that have been holding you back before today, all those limiting patterns, that self doubt, those unconscious childhood traumas and overwhelming emotions… those aren’t the real you!   They’re just old programming that has held you back from becoming the full expression of who you really are.”  Nick Ortner   This week I am moved to share with you a … continue reading

Restful Sleep & Sweet Dreams

Are you having trouble sleeping sufficiently? Is lack of sleep effecting your quality of life? Does grumpiness get in the way of your JOY? I hear you!  So many of my clients express their difficulty with sleep – either getting to sleep or getting to sleep and then waking up and not being able to get back to sleep. Ahhhhh… Here are several suggestions to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep – leading to peaceful rest and sweet dreams. 1.  Turn Off the TV – To improve your sleep, you might consider improving your sleep environment. Clear your bedroom of your TV or other distractions, including computers, work materials, and any noises and bright lights. Research also suggests that TVs and computers generate electromagnetic … continue reading

How Bundling Baggage Heals the Past

One of the first tapping techniques I learned years ago was called the Personal Peace Process. It involved making a list of all of the events, relationships and circumstances from the past that you want to heal.  Then tapping on one item each day, until you have reduced the intensity on it all. Ahhhhh… And then I learned a much quicker and more effective way to heal and release the past called Bundling Baggage. We’ll practice this in class together this week and you can practice this on your own as well. 1.  Choose the topic for your tapping session – an illness, a relationship, an event, such as an accident or a big disappointment.  You might even choose your childhood or past relationship for … continue reading

Is my pain physical or emotional or both?

Is my pain physical or emotional or both? As you continue down the path of practicing Meditation and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping to support you with your health and well being, you may have already enjoyed the amazing benefits of pain relief with this practice. Thank goodness for EFT!  It’s simply magic. If you have yet to try tapping or have yet to truly integrate it into your self-care, now is the time to begin. Pain relief is one of the simplest and most effective applications for EFT. When I first learned tapping, it was for relief of really nasty chronic back pain.  I tapped every day for two weeks and the pain was gone!  Really. It’s never come back, except briefly last summer, … continue reading

A True Story of Forgiveness

A True Story of Forgiveness When I was 17, my best friend stole my boyfriend.  Yes, it’s true! I have been listening to the Tapping World Summit all week and during one session, I focused on healing a current relationship with a dear friend. When I asked, as we are encouraged to do, when I’ve felt this hurt in the past, I zoomed back in the space of awareness to being 17 years old. I was a senior in high school, having a wonderful time.  I loved school, I was dating a terrific guy – we’ll call him Mike.  My best friend – we’ll call her Jane – and I would go often to Huntington Beach and life was good. Then, suddenly I wasn’t hearing … continue reading

Overcoming Resistance to Change by Examining Your Limiting Beliefs

    “As much pain as negative beliefs can cause, we aren’t always  taught to evaluate them.  Whether we adopted them from  our immediate environment or they were passed down to us  from our parents, they often appear disguised as facts.  As we get  older we tend to settle into beliefs and think what we believe is  just how the world is – and, more dangerously.  This is just who I am.”  Jessica Ortner, author of The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss & Body Confidence     We all have stories we tell ourselves about who we are and how we are.      What is your story?       Do you find yourself struggling to start a new activity or continue once you’ve … continue reading