Restful Sleep & Sweet Dreams

  • Are you having trouble sleeping sufficiently?
  • Is lack of sleep effecting your quality of life?
  • Does grumpiness get in the way of your JOY?
I hear you!  So many of my clients express their difficulty with sleep – either getting to sleep or getting to sleep and then waking up and not being able to get back to sleep.
Here are several suggestions to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep – leading to peaceful rest and sweet dreams.
1.  Turn Off the TV – To improve your sleep, you might consider improving your sleep environment. Clear your bedroom of your TV or other distractions, including computers, work materials, and any noises and bright lights.
Research also suggests that TVs and computers generate electromagnetic fields (EMFs). These may disrupt the pineal gland, the source of the hormone melatonin, which regulates the body’s circadian rhythms responsible for maintaining sleep cycles.
2.  Replace Worn-Out Pillows and Mattresses – I just realized recently that I can’t remember the last time I replaced my pillow.  We do enjoy our Tempurpedic mattress and it’s such a delight to sleep on new sheets and pillow cases.
3.  Reduce caffeine consumption and/or avoid caffeine later in the day.  For an all-natural energy-booster, try taking a vitamin B-12 supplement. A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition shows that this antioxidant is vital for energy production. B12 may also help to metabolize carbohydrates, fat and proteins, and promote healthy growth, cardiovascular and neurological health.
4.  Listen to relaxing music – Listening to relaxing music signals your mind and body that it’s time to slow down and sleep. A Journal of Advanced Nursing study found that soothing music had a very positive effect on the sleeping habits of adults.
5.  Bedtime routine is important – Your brain and body need to unwind before sleep can occur. That’s why you need to establish
bedtime “rituals”; take a bath, meditate, do some easy stretches or yoga — anything that lets the stress and chaos of the day melt away.

Perform your routine in the same way, in the same place, and at the same time each night. This repetition triggers your mind and body that it’s time to relax and sleep.
Also eliminate negative activities or items, which are associated with sleeplessness. For example, if looking at a bedroom clock makes you anxious about how long you have until you need to get up, move the clock out of sight.
6.  Acupuncture or EFT Tapping – Multiple clinical studies found that acupuncture may provide relief for insomnia. This technique involves inserting and manipulating thread-like needles into hundreds of “acupuncture points” on the body.  Or simply tapping around on the body points will relax and calm your body and mind.
7.  Stimulus-Control Therapy for insomnia:
a.  Go to bed only when sleepy.
b.  Allow yourself 15 – 20 minutes to fall asleep.
c.  If not asleep within 15 – 20 minutes, get out of bed, go to another room, and engage in a calming activity (such as reading) until you feel sleepy.
d.  Repeat steps 1 – 3 as often as necessary.
e.  Get up at the same time each morning, even if you had a difficult night.

8.  If All Else Fails – One of my favorite natural remedies is Bach Flower Essences.  I’ve used Rescue Remedy for years and they also have Rescue Sleep.  Both are available at Whole Food or Pharmica.