An EFT Success Story

Working With Imagery, Intuition & Transformation!

With her permission here is what Haley shared with me:

“So I actually sat down to do some tapping on my own (I’m not good at remembering to do it) because I was feeling particularly down and frustrated and wanted to share what I discovered.
I was feeling extremely defeated, like I’ve had this war raging inside of me every single time I have to make a decision of whether to eat and what to eat, and I felt exhausted, like I just wanted to give up, and rather in despair about all of it.

I tapped on the fear of deprivation and I got this image of a tiger guarding a cave, full of all of my indulgences, and it felt like it was a survival thing. Like the tiger was guarding all this stuff because it/I could not survive without it.
So I delved into that and discovered that I’m afraid of what my identity will be without all of that. Will I still be fun, will my friends still love me and want to hang out, will my marriage still be exciting?

Who will I be or become without all of my indulgences, and that’s scary as hell, so the “tiger” has been holding onto all of that for dear life as a protective mechanism.
So then I did an affirmative positive tapping round talking to and thanking the “tiger”, and imagining it stepping to the side and allowing me out of the cave, and a term you used in our recent session popped up – hatching. I’ve always had a thing with butterflies, so the hatching out of a cocoon image really resonated. So I imagined sprouting wings and flying away outside the cave where it is, in fact, bright and sunny and far more exciting.

I wanted to write it down and share so that I don’t forget and so we can come back to it all in our next session.”

I am celebrating with Haley and am so grateful for her willingness to share her healing journey with me and with all of you.

Have you felt held back in your healing practice?
Have you felt discouraged, frustrated and defeated?
Have you longed for clarity about your stuck places?

I know we have all had these feelings and experiences at one time or another. I know that our subconscious minds speak to us with imagery and we can open to this guidance for clarity and allow the images to transform for us.

Please return to your meditation and tapping practice for a few minutes every day to stay in alignment, to tune into your intuition, body wisdom and divine guidance and especially remember to tap when you are most challenged and allow the energy to move.
We are all guided, supported and protected. We are all moving, growing, expanding and healing at all times.
Between now and the Winter Solstice on December 21st, allow yourself to find some quiet time to turn within and open to your inner wisdom in the form of images, metaphors and ideas.

Focus on an area where you feel stuck.
Choose an area of your life where you want forward movement.
Ask – if this symptom had a voice or an image,what would it be?

Accept whatever comes or doesn’t come and tap while opening to the message revealed to you by your guidance/intuition. May you enjoy the rich, dark, potent and vibrant winter time while celebrating the return of the light.