A meditation book to help you discover your inner voice, listen to your body and transform this new awareness into lasting changes.
You are probably curious about learning to meditate, or feel that meditation may be of benefit to you in some way.
This is good – curiosity is a good place to start. Know that once you being, you will never stop learning, which is part of the fun.
May you enjoy this book as a place to turn for guidance, clarity, courage and connection with your intuition and divine guidance, which will be a terrific source of support, no matter what challenges you are facing.
Available in e-book format as well as print format.
As a member of both the coaching and wellness professions, I am moved to inspire others to establish or deepen their spiritual practice. A book gives me the opportunity to reach many more people than those who attend my classes, coaching groups and retreats.
Thank you so much for sharing the journey with me.
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Please complete this simple, confidential, questionnaire and I will get in touch with you to schedule a complimentary consultation. I will introduce you to Visioning Guided Meditation and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and together we will design a program to support you in your healing journey.

When she isn’t in her garden meditating with the petunias, Becca is creating safe and sacred space for her students and clients to slow down, get quiet, and listen to their intuition, body wisdom, and Divine guidance. She lives with her husband, Steve, and her cat, Sophia Loren, in Beaverton, Oregon.

A percentage of my proceeds are donated to the Oregon Food Bank at www.oregonfoodbank.org and the Kaleidoscope Child Foundation at www.kaleidoscopechildfoundation.org. These two causes are close to my heart locally and globally.
Praise for No Matter the Question, Meditation is the Answer:
“It is not at all an easy thing to draw a person into meditation without making it into a task to be avoided or endured. Becca Pronchick has shown it to be utterly simple – as it is – as being is when we accept it. We receive meditation from her as a source of pleasure, confidence, and well-being.”
Julie Henderson, Ph,D. Sanjay Khandro
“This inspiring book – authored by a long-time meditator and successful meditation teacher – explains the practice of meditation in a very clear and “do-able” way. This book is for those who have tried and not yet succeeded in establishing a daily meditation practice, as well as for those who already meditate but could use a bit of inspiration and upgrading.”
Nayaswami Savitri Simpson, Minister/Lightbearer from Ananda Sangha Worldwide, author or Chakras for Starters, The Chakras Workbook, The Meaning Of Dreaming, and Through Many Lives.

You might also enjoy Becca’s newest book Tap Into Your Healing Power, an excellent guide to EFT Tapping, starting with the basics and going on to describe how and when to use tapping, along with Meditation instruction and scripts to guide you. The book also includes Becca’s personal healing journey, beautiful photographs and healing stories from her clients.
Save 20% with an eBook Bundle, it is only available for a limited time.